Grafitni sintisajzer

Delavnica izdelovanja sintisajzerjev iz grafita za otroke (8+)

MENTORICA: Dewi de Vree

Nedelja, 31. maja 2015
12.00 – 15.00

MOTA Point
Gosposvetska 12
1000 Ljubljana




Delavnica izdelovanja naredi-sam zvočil iz grafita. Otroci se bodo spoznali z osnovami elektronike in primeri likovnega upodabljanja zvoka ter zgradili svoj lasten sintisajzer iz grafita, ki navaden svinčnik pretvori v elektronski inštrument. Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku in je v celoti brezplačana, prijave zbiramo na do zapolnitve mest.
Delavnica je del programa festivala analognih avdio-vizualnih praks Strictly Analog.

Produkcija: Zavod Projekt Atol (zanj Uroš Veber), Društvo Ljudmila, laboratorij za znanost in umetnost in Forum Ljubljana/Svetlobna Gverila.
V sodelovanju z: MoTA – Muzej tranzitornih umetnostih.

Projekt sta podprla Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Oddelek za kulturo Mestne občine Ljubljana.

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Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA –

Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to advancing the research, production and presentation of transitory, experimental, and live art forms.

MoTA is a museum without a permanent collection or a fixed space. Instead, its programs are realised in different locations and contexts in temporary physical and virtual spaces.

MoTA organizes and supports transitory art in the form of continuous events, exhibitions and educational programs both locally and internationally. As its name indicates, MoTA examines what a museum can be today and in the future.

MoTA is in constant search for the new, the uncertain, and the undefined.

MoTA works on several continuous programmes & projects. We run MoTA Point – a Space for Art & Ideas, we curate and produce the annual SONICA Festival, in addition to regular music programmes such as SONICA Series and SONICA Classics.

Within the years of running our residency programme, we’ve established T.R.I.B.E. – a network of residency spaces in the Balkans & Eastern Europe.

We’ve also initiated the research and archive platforms and Mediateque MoTA & Tomaž Brate. Our educational programmes serve a broader audience with ongoing workshops, talks, symposia, and internships.