Upcoming events

(Slovenščina) Nonument Group: Kabinet bodočnosti

(Slovenščina) azstava Kabinet bodočnosti skupine Nonument Group predstavlja sklepno dejanje večletnega umetniško-raziskovalnega projekta na temo pionirske železnice v Ljubljani.


SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the European Union, announces two collaborative showcases outside of the EU: Serbia’s Polja Festival at the end of June, and the şien Festival in Kazakhstan...

Nonuments of Tbilisi

Ubani Tbilisi Cityscape Research Center in collaboration with the Nonument Group is announcing an open call for participation in a research project Nonuments of Tbilisi. The project will be realized in 2 phases, starting with...


21.12.2024 eleznikimuzej (Slovenščina) Nonument Group: Kabinet bodočnosti

06.12.2024 MoTALab SOUNDART Symposium at MoTA LAB

20.11.2024 MoTALab Sunset Hotel

17.10.2024 MoTALab Gala Alica: Not All that Persists Prevails

14.10.2024 zoom FLUX workshops


MoTA ArteFacts on Ljubljana Art Weekend: Vadim Fiškin, Natura Morta, Gala Alica and Nonument Group

We invite you to a very special celebration of The Youth Day at MoTA! MoTA joins this year’s Ljubljana Art Weekend with the exhibition MoTA Arte/Facts, where we present new artefacts from the MoTA collection....

The Moonolith calendar 2022

Follow the moon in 2022 with the new limited edition of the Moonolith Lunar calendar!

URŠULA BERLOT: Attractions – Similarities (2013)

Uršula Berlot is searching for subtly perceptual, invisible, intangible, but indeed very much present organisational principles in nature and our perceptions. Multimedia project Attractions – Similarities is focusing on magnetism as a physical phenomenon, which...



(Slovenščina) Nonument Group: Kabinet bodočnosti

(Slovenščina) azstava Kabinet bodočnosti skupine Nonument Group predstavlja sklepno dejanje večletnega umetniško-raziskovalnega projekta na temo pionirske železnice v Ljubljani.

FLUX workshops

FLUX first phase online course timetable The first phase of the course runs from October 14th – 30th and is organised by Alice in Blockchains. There will be two sessions each day, running from 16.00...

Flux Open Call for Female Artists: Blockchain Art Academy

Are you a female or trans woman artist with a particular interest in exploring the revolutionary world of digital art and blockchain technology, and its intersection with the art market? If so, this open call...

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Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA –

Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to advancing the research, production and presentation of transitory, experimental, and live art forms.

MoTA is a museum without a permanent collection or a fixed space. Instead, its programs are realised in different locations and contexts in temporary physical and virtual spaces.

MoTA organizes and supports transitory art in the form of continuous events, exhibitions and educational programs both locally and internationally. As its name indicates, MoTA examines what a museum can be today and in the future.

MoTA is in constant search for the new, the uncertain, and the undefined.

MoTA works on several continuous programmes & projects. We run MoTA Point – a Space for Art & Ideas, we curate and produce the annual SONICA Festival, in addition to regular music programmes such as SONICA Series and SONICA Classics.

Within the years of running our residency programme, we’ve established T.R.I.B.E. – a network of residency spaces in the Balkans & Eastern Europe.

We’ve also initiated the research and archive platforms ArtistTalk.eu and Mediateque MoTA & Tomaž Brate. Our educational programmes serve a broader audience with ongoing workshops, talks, symposia, and internships.





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MoTA office / Postal address:
Celovška 42b
SI-1000 Ljubljana
VAT: SI70548889
Tel.: +38640 809 809 // +386 40 239 207
e-mail: mota.museum@gmail.com

Legal address:
MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art
Rožna dolina, Cesta II/36
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 40 809 809
e-mail: mota.museum@gmail.com

If you are interested in Transitory Art or any of our projects and activities,
do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Follow MoTA:

MoTA at Culture.si

MoTA Team

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Martin Bricelj Baraga

Artistic and program director.

Igor Vuk

Technical director, MoTA productions.

Barbara Tomšič

Producer, administrator.



Luka T. Zagoričnik

Curator of sound art.

Jaša Bužinel

Sonica co-curator & PR.

Aljaž Zupančič




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MoTA LAB is a working laboratory where MoTA’s team, artists and collaborators develop projects. It occasionally hosts live and performative events, workshops and social events.



– a project space focused on sound, kinetic, light and time based works,

– home of MoTA’s impermanent museum collection (ArteFacts),

– a space for occasional exhibitions,

– a space for educational activities and workshops.


ADDRESS: Celovška 42b, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.

VISIT BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (send e-mail to: mota.museum@gmail.com // call +386 40 239 207)









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New European platform for innovative music and audiovisual art co-financed by the Creative Europe programme. Running for the next three years, SHAPE+ will foster exceptional emerging talent, connecting them to local communities and audiences through collaborative residencies with multiple artistic outcomes, commissioned artworks, as well as one-off presentations and performances. Combining an open call and a curatorial selection, the platform members will select a roster of artists to support each year.




NEMO – The Network of European Museum Organisations

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The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) was founded in 1992 as an independent network of national museum organisations representing the museum community of the member states of the Council of Europe. Together, NEMO’s members speak for over 30.000 museums across Europe. NEMO ensures museums are an integral part of European life by promoting their work and value to policy makers and by providing museums with information, networking and opportunities for co-operation.

ICAS – International Cities of Advanced Sound


ICAS (International Cities of Advanced Sound and related arts) is a network of independent non-profit organizations worldwide dedicated to advancing sound cultures, music and related arts.

Alpha-ville – London, Cimatics – Brussels, Communikey – Boulder, CTM Festival – Berlin, CYNETART Festival – Dresden, Decibel Festival – Seattle, Dis-Patch – Belgrade, Dis-Play – Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sonica Festival / MoTA – Ljubljana, Full Pull – Mälmo, FutureEverything – Manchester, Insomnia Festival – Tromsø, ISSUE Project Room – New York City, Les Siestes Electroniques – Toulouse, Maintenant – Rennes, Musikprotokoll – Graz, MUTEK ES – Barcelona, MUTEK – Montréal, MUTEK MX – Mexico City, MUTEK CL – Santiago, MUTEK AR – Buenos Aires, New Forms Festival – Vancouver, NuMusic / NuArt – Stavanger, Recombinant Media Labs – San Francisco, RIAM – Marseille, Rokolectiv – Bucharest, Skanu Mezs – Riga, Sperm – Prague, The Bunker – New York City, TodaysArt – The Hague, Ultrahang – Budapest, Unsound – Krakow, VIA – Pittsburgh




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ALIPI – Advancing Light-driven Public Interactions


ALIPI project advances light-driven public interactions of audiences through activities including innovative artistic content creation, residencies for artists, expert and public workshops and conferences as well as results showcases at major European festivals.


Partners: Young Talents (CZ), Stichting GLOW (NL), Torunska Agenda Kulturalna (PL), MoTA (SI)




Artecitya is a Europe-wide project bringing together artists, architects, town planners and citizens to re-create the cities we want to live in. The priority is to stimulate a vigorously innovative approach to the concept of urban life, to study innovative financing measures and to promote means for raising awareness, informing and even training the public to take part in the transformation and improvement of their own districts and neighborhoods.


Partners: Apollonia European art exchanges (FR), ARTos Foundation (CY), Bellastock (FR), CIANT (CZ), KUNSTrePUBLIK (DE), Laznia (PL). MoTA (SI), Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki & ArtBOX (GR)

Green Art Lab Alliance

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The Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA) is a partnership between 19 European cultural organisations which aims to explore what environmental sustainability means for the visual arts and design. Together with designers, artists and scientists, the GALA partners investigate the challenges and opportunities that environmental sustainability implies for artists and art institutions. The overall aim is to share knowledge and raise awareness amongst artists, citizens and policy makers.


GALA co-organizers: Julie’s Bicycle, DutchCulture|TransArtists Desk, GlasgowLife, Jan van Eyck Academie, Swedish Exhibition Agency/Riksutstallningar, TippingPoint, Polinaria, Translocal Institute, On the Move, MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art, Creative Carbon Scotland



Media partners

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