

Re-forma Viva Ljubljana

26.11.2018 - Svicarija

Re-forma viva Ljubljana Konferenca o umetnosti v javnem prostoru Ponedeljek, 26. november 2018, ob 10h Ustvarjalni center Švicarija V ponedeljek, 26. novembra, bomo v Švicariji razmišljali o možnostih oblikovanja trajnostne politike za umetnost v javnem...

Zmagovalci nagrade TESLA 2018: BridA in Marco Barotti

24.08.2018 - ArtbatFest

Zmagovalci nagrade TESLA so BridA in Marco Barotti! Žirija v sestavi Martin Bricelj Baraga (MoTA, Ljubljana), Simon Jacquemin (Bellastock, Pariz), Olga Veselova (Artbat Festival, Almaty) in Olof van Winden (TodaysArt, Hag) je izmed prijav izbrala...


MAPS Mapiranje in arhiviranje javnih prostorov Cilj projekta MAPS – Mapiranje in arhiviranje javnih prostorov je identificirati, mapirati in arhivirati javne prostore, in z njimi povezano arhitekturo in monumente, ki so del naše kulturne dediščine,...

(English) SHAPE artists 2018

(English) SHAPE artists 2018!

(English) ModularRelations Conference & SONICA Berlin Showcase

28.10.2017 - ZKU-ZentrumfrKulturundUrbanistik

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SONICA Agency, novi umetniki, ki jih zastopamo v letu 2017


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(English) SHAPE November showcases and other news

(English) November sees the member festivals of SHAPE, the Creative Europe supported platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, organizing the final showcases with SHAPE artists of 2016.

(English) SHAPE at Novas Frequências and October showcases

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Pred-dogodek SONICE: Takami Nakamoto & Sebastien Benoits: REFLECTIONS

10.09.2016 - KrizevniskaCerkev

Pariški duo Nonotak pooseblja Bauhaus prihodnosti s svojim inovativnim pristopom k svetlobno-zvočnim prostorskim postavitvam. V svoj elektrificirani performans bo tokrat preoblekel Križevniško cerkev!

(English) SHAPE – August News

(English) Read about upcoming concerts and lectures at participating festivals of SHAPE – the Creative Europe supported platform for innovative music and audiovisual art. The Hague’s TodaysArt festival has announced its program, whilst Skaņu Mežs...

Łaźnia najavlja odprt poziv za umetnike projekta ARTECITYA

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Artecitya je evropski projekt, ki združuje umetnike, arhitekte, planerje mest in državljane z namenom rekreiranja mest, v katerih želimo živeti. Glavni namen projekta je stimulirati strogo inovativen pristop koncepta urbanega življenja, analizirati inovativne finančne mere in promovirati...

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MoTA – Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti in festival SONICA vabita glasbenike in glasbenice, glasbeno audiovizualne skupine, ter zvočne in interaktivne umetnike in umetnice na odprti poziv za predstavitev na mednarodni platformi SHAPE.

Sonica Classics IV: Masayoshi Fujita & Najoua

04.05.2016 - KinoSiska

SONICA CLASSICS IV: MASAYOSHI FUJITA (JP) & Najoua Po Lubomyru Melnyku, Piano Days-ih in Nonkeen, bo maja v Kinu Šiška nastopil še en varovanec založbe Erased Tapes- Masayoshi Fujita. Masayoshi Fujita je japonski vibrafonist, ki...

(English) We're happy to announce the start of MoTA artist agency. We're starting the year with the first artists on our roster - exciting audiovisual works by the prolific Serbian duo WoO and Incredible Bob,...

(English) SHAPE platform announces 2016 list of artists

(English) The Creative Europe-supported SHAPE platform for innovative music and audiovisual art is announcing its 2016 list of artists. The artist selection for the platform’s second year traditionally places a diverse selection of audiovisual projects...

(English) SHAPE’s closing showcases of 2015 in November

(English) Several showcases in November will be this year’s closing activities for SHAPE, the Creative Europe supported platform for innovative music and audiovisual art which unites 16 festivals from the ICAS network. Each year, they...

Prenos v živo: Koncert Hildur Gudnadóttir

29.08.2015 - online

(English) Don't miss this exclusive open air floating concert on the river by the ethereal Icelandic cello player Hildur Guðnadóttir! The concert will be streamed live from the banks of the scenic Three Bridges on...

(English) Interview with the SHAPE artist of the week: OKNAI!

(English) From beach to bass: An interview with Oknai

Random Logic nastopajo v Dresdnu

02.05.2015 - FestspielhausHellerauDresden

Random Logic (Miha Klemenčič in Gregor Zemljič) veljata za pionirja ambientalne techno scene in sodobne elektronike na Slovenskem.  Njun zadnji album π je rezultat raziskovanja glasbe kot časovne umetnosti. Audiovizualni nastop je oblikovan kot neprekinjen lok,...

Premiera NEUNUNDNEUNZIG (99) na Icas festivalu v Dresdnu

30.04.2015 - FestspielhausHellerauDresden

SVETOVNA PREMIERA!  NEUNUNDNEUNZIG (99) is a kinetic sound sculpture by Martin Bricelj Baraga and Olaf Bender (Raster-noton). It is comprised of a matrix of 99 balloons composing an immersive yet intimate performance. While being inflated,...

MoTA je del plaforme SHAPE

MoTA je del plaforme SHAPE Platforma SHAPE je triletna iniciativa, v kateri MoTA sodeluje – v partnerstvu z mrežo ICAS –  s 16 festivali iz cele Evrope – med njimi s festivali CTM Berlin, TodaysArt Haag, Insomnia...

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Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA –

Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to advancing the research, production and presentation of transitory, experimental, and live art forms.

MoTA is a museum without a permanent collection or a fixed space. Instead, its programs are realised in different locations and contexts in temporary physical and virtual spaces.

MoTA organizes and supports transitory art in the form of continuous events, exhibitions and educational programs both locally and internationally. As its name indicates, MoTA examines what a museum can be today and in the future.

MoTA is in constant search for the new, the uncertain, and the undefined.

MoTA works on several continuous programmes & projects. We run MoTA Point – a Space for Art & Ideas, we curate and produce the annual SONICA Festival, in addition to regular music programmes such as SONICA Series and SONICA Classics.

Within the years of running our residency programme, we’ve established T.R.I.B.E. – a network of residency spaces in the Balkans & Eastern Europe.

We’ve also initiated the research and archive platforms and Mediateque MoTA & Tomaž Brate. Our educational programmes serve a broader audience with ongoing workshops, talks, symposia, and internships.