
SONICA - Festival of Transitory Art

Sonica festival 2025

15.04.2025 - LjubljanaSlovenia

Happy to finally reveal the full programme for SONICA 2025: -STREAM  This year’s lineup includes three festival nights at the CD Club /Cankarjev dom, and Kino Šiška, a festival pre-event with an AV programme at Slovenska kinoteka and an exhibition at...

Luna Woelle on Sonica Festival 2023

21.04.2023 - MoTALab

Luna Woelle: Imaginary Robotics  IR-012L1 solo exhibition MoTA Lab Gallery, 21.4.-20.5.2023 Photo Credit: Luna Woelle About the Author Luna Woelle, born in the year 2000, is a Slovenian 3DCG artist currently based in Tokyo. Graduating...

SHAPE+ announces 2024/2025 roster of artists


The European Union-funded SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art is announcing its 2024/2025 list of artists. The European Union-funded SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art is announcing its 2024/2025 list of...


28.06.2024 - Sutci

SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the European Union, announces two collaborative showcases outside of the EU: Serbia’s Polja Festival at the end of June, and the şien Festival in Kazakhstan...

SONICA 2024 pre-event: CASCADE by Marc Vilanova

29.03.2024 - MSUM

Cascade aims to draw attention to these invisible realities by rendering the waterfall’s infrasonic frequencies into an immersive experience for the audience.

SONICA 2024: Glocalisation

18.04.2024 - Ljubljana

This year, SONICA returns with an electrifying programme that represents a continuation of last year’s theme ‘Translocal Underground’, focusing on hyperspecific sounds and sonic cultures from different corners of the world.

Sound Workshop with Nicolás Jaar @ SONICA 2024


In collaboration with Kino Šiška, MoTA Museum and SONICA Festival present the Sound Workshop with Nicolás Jaar at SONICA 2024.

Open Call for the SONICA Festival 2023 main illustration


SONICA Festival (hereafter: SONICA) invites young visual artists to participate in an open competition for the main festival illustration/animation that will serve as the basis for the overall graphic design of the next edition of...


26.09.2021 - MSUMLjubljana

Tuomas A. Laitinen is an artist who works with moving image, sound, light, glass, chemical and microbial processes, as well as algorithms to explore the entanglements of multispecies coexistence. Laitinen composes situations and installations that...

SONICA 2021 Exhibition: Boundless Bodyminds

01.09.2021 - GalerijaEqurna

Labyrinth gives way to skin opens with the exhibition Boundless BodyMinds, featuring metaphysical artworks grounded in a common understanding of embodied cognition, which rhizomatically draw from a synthesis of ancient and contemporary spiritual, technological and...

SONICA 2021: Labyrinth Gives Way To Skin

26.09.2021 - Ljubljana

Sonica’s 2021 theme Labyrinth gives way to skin is taken from the title of a composition by Maryanne Amacher for Merce Cunningham Dance Company, serves as a launching point for an exploration of the invisible...

Sonica 2020 Exhibition: Jenna Sutela, Holobiont

22.09.2020 - MSUM

Finnish artist Jenna Sutela seeks to identify and react to precarious social and material moments, often in relation to technology. Her work Holobiont (2018) considers the idea of embodied cognition on a planetary scale, featuring...

Sonica Exhibition 2020: Paradise Haunted Garden

08.09.2020 - Ljubljana

SONICA 2020 EXHIBITION: PARADISE HAUNTED GARDEN Group Exhibition, Equrna Gallery 8.-27.9.2020 Exhibiting artists: Clara de Asis, Peter Kutin, Alois Yang, Svetlana Maraš, Simina Oprescu The exhibition presented new works by five international artists working at...

Sonica 2020: Paradise Haunted Garden

22.09.2020 - Ljubljana

The 12th edition of the Sonica festival, under the theme Paradise Haunted Garden,  evolved around 19 events that took place at eight venues in Ljubljana between 22 and 26 September 2020, featuring 16 artists from...

SHAPE platform & XLR8R announce two-week collaboration

11.11.2020 - online

A sort of a two week online festival will present live video streams or exclusive audio/video material from a different artist each night. Tune in every day at 19:00 CEST.

Sonica Sound Garden Koper

15.09.2020 - Koper

The all-day Sonica Sound Garden event in Koper featured: the ambient sound installation Sound Garden by Svetlana Maraš, the light-sound installation Wave by Martin Bricelj Barag and the concert Širom. Baraga – Wave modular light...

SONICA & Level Up: Lucrecia Dalt, beepblip


SONICA x LEVEL UP: LUCRECIA DALT BEEPBLIP Odprti oder na Muzejski ploščadi Sobota, 29. avgust 2020 SONICA s preddogodkom festivala VRT, KI GA PREGANJA RAJ združuje moči z organizatorji koncertne serije Level Up. Tudi...


23.09.2019 - VariousLocations

This year we are looking forward to five days of music: live sets, AV live concerts, DJ sets, electro-acoustic avant-garde, ambiental expeditions, a sound walk, workshops, talks, and also an exhibition and a film. We...

SONICA Festival 2019

23.09.2019 - VariousLocations

SONICA Festival 23 – 29 September 2019 We are announcing a new edition of festival SONICA: Sentinels which is going to happen at the last week of September 2019! FESTIVAL TICKETS: Early-bird limited: 25€ –...



SONICA 2018 – 10th Anniversary: Over / Sensitivity 24-29 September 2018 In the last week of September Sonica Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary. To celebrate properly we’re going to have a birthday party /...

Sonica x Pritličje: CATNAPP

16.08.2018 - Pritlicje

SONICA Festival’s tenth anniversary edition pre-event at Pritličje! SELEKCIJA #5: CATNAPP Catnapp combines R&B, rap, breakbeat, pop, drum and bass and other genres resulting in an intense and sometimes nostalgic atmosphere with fat beats. Songs...

SONICA Festival 2017: SCAPES

25.09.2017 - razlicnelokacije

SONICA Festival 2017: SCAPES 25 – 30 September 2017

Sonica Festival | 25-30 September 2017

25.09.2017 - Ljubljana

The 9th edition of Ljubljana’s Sonica festival brings a week of concerts, audiovisual performances, artist talks and walks through natures of various kinds. The festival exhibition evolves around the theme Scapes meaning spaces of escape,...

Sonica x Digital Dish: Yuri Landman

07.10.2016 - MoTALab

We’re announcing a last minute presentation / workshop by the last year’s Sonica and Ljudmila artist in residence Yuri Landman. During his resiadency, he not only led three workshops (we built Malevich’s strings, the Hacked...

Tim Hecker: Love Streams & Christian Kroupa

27.09.2016 - KinoSiska

Tim Hecker returns to SONICA within his Love Streams tour! Christian Kroupa will open the night with a preview of his upcoming release at ASONIC.

SONICA pre-event: Takami Nakamoto & Sebastien Benoits: REFLECTIONS

10.09.2016 - KrizevniskaCerkev

A parisian duo that embraces the idea of Bauhaus of the future. Highly innovative work with sound / light / structures brings a powerful electrified performance to the scenic Krizevniska church!

Sonica Festival 2016: First confirmed artists


We’re happy to announce our first confirmed artists for this year’s Sonica Festival, which will take place from 27 September to 1 October 2016 in Ljubljana! The 2016 edition, titled SONIC.ARCHITECTURES, will be dedicated to...


20.08.2016 - MoTA

SONICA festival is looking for proposals for sound and light interventions onto one of Ljubljana's hidden modernist architectural buildings!

Ljubljana in June: Clark


Sorry, this entry is only available in Slovenščina.

Sonica 2014

Sonica festival 2014 is again focusing on diverse artistic practices which all involve transitoriness in the medium of image, sound, object, space and concept. The main theme of the festival is the thin line of...

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Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA –

Museum of Transitory Art

MoTA is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to advancing the research, production and presentation of transitory, experimental, and live art forms.

MoTA is a museum without a permanent collection or a fixed space. Instead, its programs are realised in different locations and contexts in temporary physical and virtual spaces.

MoTA organizes and supports transitory art in the form of continuous events, exhibitions and educational programs both locally and internationally. As its name indicates, MoTA examines what a museum can be today and in the future.

MoTA is in constant search for the new, the uncertain, and the undefined.

MoTA works on several continuous programmes & projects. We run MoTA Point – a Space for Art & Ideas, we curate and produce the annual SONICA Festival, in addition to regular music programmes such as SONICA Series and SONICA Classics.

Within the years of running our residency programme, we’ve established T.R.I.B.E. – a network of residency spaces in the Balkans & Eastern Europe.

We’ve also initiated the research and archive platforms and Mediateque MoTA & Tomaž Brate. Our educational programmes serve a broader audience with ongoing workshops, talks, symposia, and internships.